"I hope whoever reads this invites Jesus Christ to come into their heart and life and allow Him to lead, guide, and direct them. I found out that Christianity is not a religion or an organization, but a relationship with Jesus." - Grace Gough
You Are Not alone!

My name is Grace, I was a Jehovah's Witness for 25 years, I thought I was serving the Creator.
I encouraged 10 others to become Jehovah's Witnesses. My husband, who was not a Jehovah's Witness, would beat me to try to make me stop, but the elders told me that this was the persecution I would suffer for being in the 'true" religion. So I allowed it. One thing I never believed was the JW teaching that Jesus Christ came invisibly in 1914. I mentioned this to one of the elders. Three of them came to my home and told me that if I did NOT believe this I would be disfellowshipped and all my friends and family would shun me.
I spoke the truth and said I couldn't believe that. So I was "OUSTED". My daughter and grand-child stopped speaking to me. I was thinking of suicide because I missed my friends & family so much. I had also just lost my husband to cancer.
I read an article by Raymond Franz in Maclean's magazine. He was a former member of the Governing Body in Brooklyn, New York. I wrote a letter to him and he put me in touch with two others who were disfellowshipped. Ray's book "Crisis of Conscience " was an real eyeopener !!!
I then attended an Ex-Jehovah's Witness Convention, "Witnesses Now For Jesus", started By Bill and Joan Cetnar. The Great Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, found me there. Now at 81+ I have never ever felt the PEACE I do now...not as the world gives it but as Jesus gives it. I hope whoever reads this invites Jesus Christ to come into their heart and life and allow Him to lead, guide, and direct them. I found out that Christianity is not a religion or an organization, but a relationship with Jesus.
Grace Gough
Do You need a Friend? You Are Not Alone!
Grace Gough
[email protected]
(519) 787 8260